Building Strong Relationships with Providers: Post-RFP Best Practices

● 28 August 2024 ●

Building Strong Relationships with Providers: Post-RFP Best Practices

Written By
Team Authentica

Relationships with Providers

Table of Contents

The completion of an RFP process can feel like crossing the finishing line. You’ve found the right provider, the proposal is in your hand, and the contracts are signed. But in reality, this is just the beginning of a critical phase—building and maintaining a strong, collaborative relationship with your chosen provider. A well-managed post-RFP relationship ensures the successful implementation of your programs and lays the foundation for future partnerships. In this article, we will discuss some best practices to help you maintain a productive relationship with your provider after the RFP process.

1. Start with Clear Communication

Open, transparent communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership. After the RFP process, ensure that both parties are on the same page regarding expectations, deliverables, timelines, and goals. 

  • Maintain this alignment through regular check-ins: Set up regular check-ins, be it weekly or monthly, depending on the project’s complexity. These touchpoints help in keeping everyone aligned and provide an opportunity to address any issues or changes that arise. This meeting should address:

    • Objectives of your program
    • Key milestones
    • Roles and responsibilities of each party
    • The metrics for success

  • Enhance communication with strategic use of tools: Ask your providers if they use tools like (used by Authentica) or Asana to enhance collaboration. Setting up dashboards exclusively for your programs allows them to share real-time progress updates. This transparency enables you to track progress efficiently, identify strategic initiatives, and spot areas for innovation. With a clear view of ongoing work, you can proactively address challenges and seize opportunities as they emerge.

2. Be Flexible and Adaptable

In a dynamic environment, plans don’t always go as expected. Whether it’s a change in local regulations, an unexpected global event, or a shift in student interests, flexibility is key. Work with your provider to develop contingency plans for various scenarios. This proactive approach ensures that both parties are prepared to handle unexpected situations without derailing the entire program.

For example, during one of the faculty-led programs in India, the city of Chennai experienced unexpected flooding. At that time, the program students were in a different city, Ahmedabad and were scheduled to travel to Chennai the next day. To navigate this challenge, Authentica‘s program team quickly proposed two solutions: 1) Extend the stay in Ahmedabad and conduct virtual company visits from there, or 2) Proceed to Chennai but adjust the itinerary to avoid the flooded areas. These contingency plans ensured that the program continued smoothly without major disruptions, demonstrating the importance of having a provider capable of adapting quickly to unforeseen circumstances.

3. Foster Collaboration and Co-Creation

True collaboration extends far beyond the RFP process. Engage your provider throughout the program’s development and execution to fully leverage their expertise and insights. This approach fosters innovation and ensures the program is tailored to meet your needs.

  • Involve your provider into the planning process: Involve your provider early in the planning process to maximize their contribution. Bring them into strategic discussions and brainstorming sessions to fully leverage their industry knowledge and on-the-ground experience. By including them in planning meetings, you open the door to fresh perspectives that can make your program more powerful. This collaborative approach encourages your provider to share ideas and experiences from similar programs, leading to innovative solutions. For example, they might suggest alternative approaches to achieving program goals, highlight potential challenges and opportunities, or propose incorporating a hands-on workshop led by local experts to enrich the student experience.

  • Collaborate on incorporating sustainable practices: In today’s increasingly conscious world, integrating sustainability into study abroad programs is essential to familiarize students with this crucial concept. Partner with your provider to embed sustainable practices throughout the program. Utilize their expertise to implement strategies like reducing the program’s carbon footprint, promoting local sourcing, or aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For instance, Authentica advances the UN SDGs by integrating one or more goals into each of its program design. This collaboration not only supports global sustainability efforts but also enriches the experience for participants and positively impacts the communities involved.

  • Create continuous feedback loops: Establish continuous feedback loops throughout the program’s lifecycle. Regularly ask input from your provider on what’s working and what might need adjustment. This not only keeps the program on track but also allows for real-time improvements. More importantly, it demonstrates that you value their expertise and are committed to refining the program collaboratively.

Building a Foundation for Lasting Success

Strong partnerships are the backbone of successful programs. By fostering a collaborative relationship with your provider, you not only ensure the immediate success of your current initiatives but also build a foundation for future growth and innovation. 

We’re excited to support your upcoming programs with solutions tailored specifically to your needs. To ensure our proposals align perfectly with your goals, we invite you to complete our    RFP form: